Friday, May 9, 2014

Me Made May '14: Week Two

Are your eyes glazing over yet from all this me-made goodness? This is the time when it starts to get harder and less exciting. But keep it up me-made-Mayers (Mayors?)!

voile Sorbetto, refashioned sweater (unblogged) // self-draped maxi skirt (unblogged)

Looking over my progress so far, I'm definitely wearing newer makes the most. We'll see how it goes this next week as I run out of the new stuff! Also, when did I start self-draping and self-drafting everything?!

Day 3: holey jeans from the Gap, holes made by me (not on purpose!)
Day 4: black tank from Target and black cardigan from J. Crew
Day 5: black eyelet shorts, thrifted (but originally from Old Navy)
Day 7: black tank from Target
Day 9: shorts for bumming around the house, from Kohl's

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