Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Project Planning

Sometimes I think I rush a bit too much between projects. I have so many ideas, so many patterns and so much fabric, that it's easy to pick a new project. I only work on one thing at a time (mostly) so when I'm halfway done with one thing, I'm already thinking about the next. I don't really mind, if I feel burned out I take a day or two off. But this weekend is AB's birthday, so I'm finding my free time is being used in ways other than sewing. No big deal, but it's forcing me to spend time thinking (heaven forbid!).

For a long time now, I've wanted to recreate my favorite RTW items. Maybe do a blog series or just my own personal projects. I realized that if I didn't make it a priority, it wouldn't happen! I've definitely been putting it off. So last night I pulled out all my favorite clothes and made a big pile.

Actually, it's not really that big! But if I made a pile of all the clothes I own? It would be monstrous, overflowing, out of control. Why do I own (and wear) all these things that are only meh? By the way, there is a decent mix of me-mades in here, I didn't discriminate.

To further cement my desire to copy these clothes, I made a list in my Fashionary of these items. 

Somewhere in this list, and these clothes, is a goal. Maybe sew one TNT a month? Even if I have to draft the pattern myself? I don't know, sometimes I feel like setting a sewing goal is too much like a sewing quota, so I need to find the right balance of "you have to!" and "I want to!" (Because everyone talks to themselves with a split personality, right?). 

At the very least, I hope that in my "down time" between projects, I'll turn to this list and give some weight to my tried and true styles. 

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