Friday, April 19, 2013

Project Runway recap: Finale Part 1 spoiler alert!

Sigh. I'm disappointed. If you've been reading along, then you know that I *heart* Daniel. I completely understand why he was eliminated, but that only makes it slightly less awful.

First off, I'm SO glad to see that the designers were given 5 months to make their collections. I think during the last season of All Stars, they had 4 WEEKS if I'm not mistaken. Ridiculous. You can certainly see the difference in the quality of the clothing and the thoughtfulness of the designs.

My final verdict on a season of team challenges: not as bad as I thought. The helpers and team members have all been rather useful, which proves that you can't really design in a vacuum. I hope that Layana did/will help Patricia edit, because obviously she has a problem doing that on her own. I liked Patricia's mini collection (except the horsehair cape...I was with Nina on that one) but I think her actual show will be a disaster. Patricia should thank her lucky stars Heidi that she gets to show at all. She's nice and all, but I'm over her designs.

I'm on the fence about Stanley's collection. On the one hand, I feel like it DOES need more skin in order to be youthful. On the other, I agree with him that it's fall and cold and people cover up. I guess the problem is injecting enough fantasy ("sure, I'd wear that sleeveless mini dress to my imaginary fancy winter party!") without getting too far out there (cough cough Patricia).

Michelle might have this in the bag. Her pieces were unique and well-made. I totally thought of Joe when I first saw that wolf sweater and I can't believe I was right! Yes, I am that smart. Michelle definitely benefited from having to design a fall collection. She knows it's her strength and she's allowing that to be shown. I didn't hate the hair styling (duh, her girl is a lone wolf running through the woods, why wouldn't the hair be messy?) but the makeup was sort of blah.

Daniel Daniel Daniel. I think Tim was really trying to help him, but he couldn't see it. His mini-collection was certainly sexier than I thought it would be, but Daniel fell victim to the mini-collection curse of non-cohesion. Seriously, do the designers not watch this show? A lack of cohesion and too many safe outfits always get people eliminated at this point. Oh, and Nina and Heidi, shut up about too much black. You lost the right to complain about that when you let mean Irina and her all-black collection WIN back in Season Six.

It's shaping up to be a good finale. Or possibly a terrible one, if Heidi gets all pushy for Patricia to win. But I don't hate the designers that are left and I can entertain them all as winners without getting physically ill (Gretchen).

Now that the immensely likeable Daniel is gone, who are you rooting for? I still dislike Michelle's personality, but I do like her designs, so I guess I'm rooting for her.

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