Hi all! Hope you had a great long weekend, those of you in the states. It's pushing 95 degrees here, so I'm somewhat limited in the amount of outdoor fun I can have with a baby. I'm not begging for those crisp 60 degree days, but 80 would be nice!
Spoilers ahead...
Best moments: In an episode full of disturbing behavior, leave it to BLAKE to be sensible and come to Ashley's defense. Something tells me he was probably in her place at some time in his life, so kudos to him for standing up for her. And good for his team, actually working together! Wait, did I just say something nice about Blake? What's happening?
Worst moments: I think we can all agree that this whole episode was a bad moment. Do we really believe Candice when she says that she picked Amanda to help her out? Or did she pick her because for sure Amanda would be out if their team was on the bottom? Was there some sort of plot to go against Ashley and eliminate a tough competitor?
I have all these questions about what was really going on, because what we saw made no sense for human adults. What we were shown were petty, silly women, and I'd like to think that we've moved beyond that. I guess not.
Worst garments: Amanda's parachute dress was a snoozefest, and her whining about it made her look like a big baby.
Finally, Amanda is gone. She had no accountability and nothing interesting to contribute to the runway shows. I'm sure she's a perfectly nice designer, but in the realm of this show she was bad.
Next week: Heidi scares the crap out of people, and they make lingerie. This one should be very interesting! Anyone want to take bets on how many designers have never made a pair of underwear?
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