Thursday, September 26, 2013

Recent Refashions

Sewing something from scratch can be immensely satisfying, but sometimes a refashion can provide the same amount of happiness. Working inside a box can be challenging, but I have two examples of why it's so much fun!

Earlier in the week I talked about the book Generation T, and I did try one of the projects.

This was a super quick project. I went digging in my closet for a t-shirt I liked but didn't wear often. I picked this college T:

Three quick cuts with my scissors (maaaaaan do I love these scissors) and I was done!

To get this look, start cutting underneath the armhole seam. Angle your cut up to the neckline but do not cut through the binding. Knit t-shirts don't fray, so you can leave the new armholes raw. Then cut off the hem to complete the "I-don't-care" look.

The armhole is pretty low (as you can see in the above photo) so I wear a tank underneath most of the time. This refashioned shirt was perfect for a football game (in August, ha!) and I felt like I fit right in with the college girls and their cut-up shirts. Except that I'm 10 years older than them...moving on!

On Monday I talked about a RTW sweatshirt dress that had inspired me. Whilst digging around in my upcycle bag, looking for something else, I realized I had this old sweatshirt of my husband's:

AB doesn't have any Bengals gear, and I realized I could definitely adapt this huge sweatshirt into a sweatshirt dress for her. I started with the Hangout Hoodie pattern, and sort of cut and sewed my way to this:

I LOVE how it turned out! First, I ripped off the original hoodie pocket, and then I could cut the bodice out. I had to redraw the neckline in order to keep the logo. The sleeves, with cuffs, are from the original shirt.

The neckline binding is from an old tank top, and the middle waffle knit band is from a THIRD old shirt. It's easy to piece things together when they're all black!

The skirt part is from the sweatshirt, and the band on the hem is the same band from the original. Because I used a band on the hem, I was able to complete the entire outfit with my serger! In love.

Sometimes Dad says no and
you have to throw yourself
on the ground over it.

From finding the sweatshirt to completed outfit only took about 2 hours! Perfect afternoon project.

Have you been doing any refashioning lately? I have a ton of winter-ish clothes to upcycle now that it's getting cooler outside.

Today for Thrifty Thursday from Peek-a-Boo Pattern Shop, pick up the Classic Footed Pajamas pattern for only $4!  I've seen some great Halloween costumes adapted from this pattern!


  1. What a comfy outfit {and the speediness to complete was definitely another perk}.... I bet your daughter loves it!!

    1. She's currently going through a "must remove all the clothes!!" phase, but when I can keep it on her she's happy! :)

  2. awww love the dress. It turned out so great. love the sleeve length! Great flip :o) I made a fleece jacket for the challenge, it was a fun one :o)

    1. Thanks! I really like this sleeve length, it's a bit warmer than a short sleeve but doesn't bug my daughter with too much length.


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