Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday Musings: long-term projects

What's the longest you've ever spent on a project? How did it feel when you were done?

Yesterday, finally, I finished a winter coat for my husband. By far and away, it was the most time-comsuming and costly garment I've ever sewn. It took two months. And I'm not talking a few hours here, a week later, a few hours there. I sew every day (I must be slow, ha!).

So how did I feel when that last thread was snipped? Giddy. Insanely happy. A bit rushed, because my daughter got up from her nap with literally 1 inch left of handsewing for me to do. But I spent the rest of the day walking on air. I wanted to run a marathon, sew ten more coats, make an apple pie from scratch.

And then he put it on. And I hated it. Hated. Ugh.

I promise lots of photos and many posts recapping the whole thing. I'm not going to tear it apart because there isn't any point. He likes it. That's what matters. And seeing him walk out of the house this morning, wearing a coat that I made (a coat!), was an amazing feeling.

And thank God I can finally move on to something else!

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