Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Edition for a New Year!

Happy Hangover Day errr...I mean, Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a fun and safe New Year's Eve. And here's a serious question: are you a Seacrest person or a Carson person?

Hey, remember allllll the way back in 2013 when Lauren at Lladybird reviewed my book? She made a great point about the figure drawings being a tad too dark. They didn't fade into the background enough. Rather than take this as a criticism, I used it as inspiration for some updates. I'm so happy to introduce the Second Edition of 110 Creations: A Sewist's Notebook!

The new edition features lightened figure drawings, better for easy sketching. Here's a comparison of the before (bottom photo) and after (top photo):

I've also added the measurement chart to the larger book, so now both editions feature this handy reference.

Didn't get a Sewist's Notebook for Christmas? Now is your chance to pick up the new version. And how does free shipping sound? From now until January 17th, use code SHIPSHAPE14 for free standard shipping!

If you did get a Sewist's Notebook recently, how do you like it? Are you getting a lot of use from it? Comment and let me know!


  1. Hi there. I'm going to place my order for the small notebook right this minute. I'll let you know how I like it.


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