
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Two Year Blogiversary!

Woohoo! Happy Blogiversary to me! Two years ago I started blogging about my then-newish sewing life and projects. I've worked hard to grow a blog of which I'm proud, and it's such a fulfilling way to share my garments with the world.

My most popular post in the last year was this Plantain Tee Hack. That was a fun one! I like that top a LOT but it ended up a bit tight across the bust, and I don't wear it as much as I should. It's funny how hesitant I was initially about the Plantain, as I LOVE that pattern now.

In the last year I did a lot of fun things with my book, which I never would have published without this blog. I released the kid's version, appeared in Threads magazine (!!!) and partnered with the Coletterie/Wardrobe Architect project on a free download.

In May, I redesigned the blog with new artwork from my talented friend Janelle at re:find joy. After all these months I still love the work she did and my cleaner, pretty blog design.

I sewed a lot more indie patterns in the last year, which was a goal of mine. Click the tag "indie pattern project" in the sidebar to see the full list.

Looking ahead, I've got a TON of stuff planned with my book (check back tomorrow!) and I'm looking forward to sewing more wovens once I'm not pregnant. I have no idea how my blog and sewing will be impacted with a second little one, so I might sew up some summery items well before s/he arrives. I'd love to continue working on my photography so my photos are as pretty as my me-mades :)

A BIG thank you to everyone who reads regularly, and to those who comment. This blog means a lot to me and it wouldn't be possible without you!


  1. Congratulations on your blogiversary! You have been a huge inspiration to me, thank you so much for the hard work you put into this blog. :-D


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