
About Me

Hi! My name is Beth and I'm happy to be a part of this wonderful world of sewing. I didn't learn from my mother, or grandmother, but I'm finding my way anyhow. I started sewing in May of 2012 when my husband gave me a sewing machine for my first Mother's Day. In January 2022, I opened an Etsy shop selling my digital cut files and all the best sewing printables. Find it here!

I can't believe how much fun I'm having, learning, succeeding, failing, and making clothes!

If you'd like to contact me, I can be reached at I love collaborating with individual sewists or brands! Thanks for joining me on this journey!

A quick note about links and ads. Occasionally, I use affiliate links when discussing products I've used. These affiliates have no impact on my reviews or comments--my thoughts are entirely my own. If you purchase an item through an affiliate link, your price is the same, but I will receive a small commission. Which I will promptly use to purchase fabric and make more projects for this site. Thank you for your support!


  1. Hi,
    I love your Blog but the last 2 emails I received, the pictures would not display. There was an error. I'm not sure if you changed anything or what. Just thought you should know.

    1. So sorry you've had this trouble! I'm not sure why that would happen, I haven't changed anything. I'll keep looking into it!

  2. My book just arrived I'm very excited to start using it. I shall write a review when I have written/ drawn a few bits it. I bought the bigger one as I wanted me space. I don't know what to write first .... oo they excitment

    1. Hi Sarah! Sometimes I just make a bunch of sketches and then go back and fill in the details later. I get excited too, so it helps to get the ideas out of my head and on to paper! I can't wait to see your review :)

  3. Hi Sarah.....I just ordered the Notebook....and I'm looking forward to getting it. I did have a problem with placing the order - where the link to order wasn't noticable... To reduce any possible frustrations might I suggest actually labeling the link. I almost gave up on my order when I decided to give it one more try. I do order a LOT of items online and most places offer an obvious link to their products..."BUY ME" kind of image/link.. HUGS

    1. Hi Arlene! I'm not sure if you meant to comment on my blog or on Sarah's (at Goodbye Valentino). I went ahead and added a more obvious link. Thank you for your feedback!


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