
Friday, August 7, 2015

Project Runway recap

Woohoo! Project Runway! We're honestly struggling in this house with TV that we can watch when our kids are around. Thank goodness PR is back! Okay, it's not exactly geared towards families, but at least there are no gunfights or dead bodies (I'm looking at you, all the random Law and Order shows that are playing every time I turn on the TV).

Spoilers ahead...

Best moment: Tim and Heidi "playing basketball". Admittedly, this was sort of an outtake and not technically part of the show, but it was still awesome. More on-topic, I love how Ashley recovered from her freak out moment and put together a great look.

Worst moment: Blake. Just Blake. I enjoyed the judges' critiquing of him waaaaay too much. He was bragging so hard on his hand-sewing in the workroom, and it looked like garbage. Dmitry hand-sewed most of his garments and I never saw a stitch in two seasons. Blake, you suck.

Best garment: Ashley's winning look was the only one I actively liked, although David's and Swapnil's safe looks were also interesting to me. I was happy with the challenge, I prefer it when the first one is fairly open-ended.

Worst garment: The amount of lame, safe designs was sad. Also, a lot of these textiles were vibrating on my screen...anyone else?

hated Duncan's pink blanket. And I love pink. I hate to say it, but I think Tim let him down on that one. And the other designers loved it too? All I can say is, I told you so.

Yes, I did just quote myself on my own blog.

Best quote: "Everyone's just running around like they're getting free food." --Swapnil and his beautiful blue eyes.

I hope that the designs improve as the weeks go on, because these were underwhelming. I understand that the first week is hard, though, so we'll see. I really like Ashley, and if Marline stops talking and lets her designs speak for her, she'll be better off. Do you have any favorites yet?

Next week: unconventional challenge...blah


  1. Finally a challenge that made some sense! Merline was making ME crazy with her incessant chanting. I like Ashley. Blake's hand sewing was abysmal. Kelly's second dress wasn't any better than her first. What's with not bringing your tools? Hanmiao - I think I get what she was going for, but that was awful.

    1. I think Kelly is in trouble. If Tim has to point out that your stripes don't match, you've got problems. I actually liked Hanmiao's sketch, but it wasn't executed well. Is there such a thing as too oversized?

  2. I think that oversized is fine (especially on a model!) but it should still have some shaping or SOMETHING interesting! That was sad. I'm surprised Nina or Heidi didn't call it sad!

  3. Nice recap! It was fun reading. Sorry my response will be LONG, I love Project Runway! ^__^

    Ashley look was good, but it wasn't quite my fave. Props for her for getting past discouraged feelings in the workroom and coming up with a winning look. It sounds like school was hard for her so maybe she can tap the inner courage that got her through high school to keep going positive in PR.

    I really liked Swapnil's design. (Also his accent is adorbs and so far he seems very calm and polite! He and Edmond so far have the strongest personal style among men: hair, clothing, accessories.

    I know what designer wears does not always match what outfits they create, but this early in the game, if I can put a name and face to a contestant I'm more likely to notice their runway looks!)

    (I'm sorry I don't remember any of the models names so far, but the girl who wore Edmond's dress with the long green tail had the fiercest walk. If he has the chance, I hope he picks her again next week. If Ashley gets first pick, she might want to swap models.)

    Luckily there was not too much drama. Besides Merline's chatter (which was not mean spirited at least, just too long and loud for the sewing room) I didn't see a lot of clash personalities or cliques forming-- yet.

    I wish that one designer (the one with glasses?) had not been so harsh on people for not bringing a sewing kit. Merline seemed to have left hers at the airport by mistake. And Swapnil got confused on what was allowed.

    English is clearly not Swapnil's first language and he misread his instructions for what to bring to the show vs what would be provided. That's nothing to get mad at him for or suggest he should leave the competition early. It was just an error, relax, don't blame.

    Swapnil should be proud of how well he's learned ESL! (I was born in America so English was not so tough for me. But for my grandparents it was tricky to switch from Yiddish and German to learn American words, customs, etc.)

    I wonder if Swapnil speaks Adwahi or one of the other Hindi dialects, there's so many. I hope Swapnil gets a chance to talk to his loved ones in India, or tell of his home life in Mumbai.

    I'm interested in hearing more of ALL the designer's stories, it's just that so far Swapnil is my early fave so I guess I'm most curious about him. XD

    For the designers who struggled: Blake's look was a color block explosion, not very good stitching, and didn't seem practical. I would have eliminated his. But Duncan's was so plain, like a tall pink shower curtain, wouldn't flatter anybody and seemed too simple.

    Hanmiao had a decent idea but didn't use the fabric well, it needed more structure to be less baggy. With some tweaks I think it could have been a nice yellow jacket, kind of rain gear inspired, something to pair with boots and a bright, mid-calf skirt.

    I hope Blake and Hanmiao make stronger looks next week, they are on the bubble. Everyone else, keep on sewing, they all got potential.

    tl;dr Season 14 looks awesome! Anybody else excited and got early faves?

  4. Duncan's dress was awful. Like they said it looked like he just wrapped her up in fabric and sent her down the runway.
    Although I hate Joseph's attitude I really liked his look. It's something I would actually wear and not feel like I was in a costume.


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