
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Year in Review

Here's the thing about these year-end wrap-ups: I like them when other people write them, but I'm having a hard time making them fit me. You see, I'd love to reflect on sewing accomplishments, but I'd rather save that for my Sewversary in May. I'd have fun looking back at blogging, but I'll be doing that at the end of January for my first Blogiversary.

So how about a super broad random wandering list of highlights from 2013?

I started (and maintained!) a sewing blog.

I published two books.

AB had her first overnight stay without her parents (and we all survived, haha!).

I learned a lot about sewing, blogging, and photography.

I kept my New Year's Resolution to avoid buying new clothing.

Two of my best friends got married, two weeks apart.

I participated in my first Me-Made-May.

AB started sleeping through the night (around 14 months old...yeah, I was one tired mama for a loooong time).

I only have one dark spot on this year, which is completely shallow: it was the year of TV Armageddon. Three of my favorite shows (The Office, Breaking Bad, and Dexter) all went off the air. I'm gonna go cry now...

The year went so fast, but when I look back and make a list I see that it was full of milestones and fun. Here's to a new year with more of the same! Be safe tonight everyone and happy 2014!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Ready-to-Wear Fasting

Hello again everyone! Did you miss me? I hope you all had a nice holiday and fun plans for the new year. My husband had last week off from work, so we had some relaxing family time as we enjoyed AB's second Christmas. And now back to blogging!

There's been a lot of buzz in the blogosphere lately about a ready-to-wear fast for 2014, thanks to this post on Goodbye Valentino. I gather from the comments on the post that there will be a lot of participants, many of whom seem downright terrified! With only two days left to go in 2013, I wanted to revist my New Year's Resolution and maybe inspire a few people who will be participating in the 2014 RTW fast.

My resolution for 2013 was to sew or thrift all of my clothing for the entire year, with the exception of one bridesmaid's dress. I'm THRILLED to say that I met my goal! To the best of my memory, the only things I purchased new in 2013 were:
  • some socks
  • a hat
  • aforementioned bridesmaid's dress
I was gifted:
  • an awesome pink sweatshirt
  • some socks
  • the perfect brown boots
The most incredible part is that I didn't even thrift that much, meaning almost all my new clothing was made by me! I thrifted:
  • a belt
  • black eyelet shorts
  • white capri leggings
My thoughts on the experience? It's easier than you think! I'm definitely the type of person who shops when I feel bored or depressed. Or, I should say, I used to be that person, which meant that the first few months were a bit tough. Isn't there a saying that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit? Shopping is SUCH a habit for so many of us, that if you treat it like that (i.e. a mindless activity without much purpose) it's much easier to get over it.

When you inject some thought into your purchases, you realize you don't need 20 pairs of jeans, or 60 t-shirts. When you know about construction and fabric, you know how to inspect RTW to see if it's worth your money. When you spend a lot of time planning pattern and fabric match-ups, you realize how to have a discerning eye about what looks good on the hanger vs. what looks good on you.

If you're thinking of taking the plunge for 2014, I encourage you to go for it. Give yourself the "out" of allowing thrifting (not all of us have time or patience to sew jeans) and see how it goes. You'll find out a lot about your own views on consumerism, contentment, and STUFF.

And will I keep up my pledge for next year? You betcha! I plan on sewing a swimsuit and maaaaybe jeans in 2014, and gobs of underwear, and wouldn't it be cool if I learned to knit so I could make some socks? Hmm...

Friday, December 20, 2013

Project Runway rehash!

Confession: I didn't watch Project Runway last night. I was busy drinking Christmas cocktails and watching Home Alone 2. DON'T WORRY we already watched the first one a few days ago. Still looking forward to Christmas Vacation next week and OF COURSE the best Christmas movie of all time, Muppet Christmas Carol.

Spoilers ahead...

Things I loved:

I really liked Zanna's outfit today. I also wish I had her hair.

I liked that all the clients were easy-going. I expected a bit of diva from them (like, "I know about trends so listen to me!") but they were surprisingly pleasant.

I like that Elena helped Viktor with his zipper. Doesn't it make sense to want to keep your friends with you at the end? 

Things I hated:

Ummm...was Nina talking really slowly so she could be on TV longer?

Elena's whining about neoprene. You can't call dibs on a whole kind of fabric.

Favorite garment(s):

I loved Viktor's leather jacket, it would go with a lot of things. Except his dress. Ha!

Seth Aaron's was nice as well. Nothing crazy but very well made.

Now Korto's, THAT was innovative. I don't wear innovation but I like to look at it!

Least favorite garment:

Elena's jacket was uuuugh. It looked like a carpet for a kid's room.

I wanted to like Christopher's, but there was something off about the length and the lace coming off the hem. I did like that it was a coat dress that still managed to look very feminine.

Best line of the night:

"You can't fear Nina...she can smell fear." --Seth Aaron

I guess we're getting down to the wire now, huh? It's getting hard to watch designers go. With the exception of Elena I like everyone's work. Viktor probably deserves to go home as his work has been a bit confusing lately. I think he was ready to go, as well.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS everyone, you won't be seeing me next week because I won't be writing, and you probably won't be reading! Enjoy yourselves and I'll see you closer to 2014!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

McCall's 6173: Leggings

Maaaaan I haven't sewn anything for myself in almost 2 months! Wow. Actually, I'm okay with that. I like sewing for others. But somewhere in the middle of Christmas gifts and endless coat muslins, I decided I needed to zone out and listen to the soothing sounds of my serger sewing something selfish (holy alliteration Batman!). Also, that's a joke, because my serger is insanely loud.

You're probably looking at this pattern and thinking I wasted my dollar. McCall's 6173 is for leggings in three different versions--regular, extra-long and scrunchy, and with a zipper on the ankle. To me, it's worth $1 for the pattern because I don't have giant pieces of pattern lying around on which to draft my own. And after making these, I'm so pleased with the results that I can't wait to make more!

Um, I guess that smudge on my camera that I thought I was imagining is real. Sorry. I cut these out a looooong time ago, but I didn't have matching serger thread so the pieces were sitting in my UFO pile. Eventually I decided I no longer cared about the thread situation and just wanted them done.

The fabric is rayon/spandex jersey from Girl Charlee. It is so. soft. There is a heathered effect to the fabric that I'm not sure you can see in the photos. It's lightweight but opaque and very warm.

Smuuuuuudge, ugh.

I made View C, which is the version with scrunchy hems. My ankles are always cold (what a strange thing to be always cold) and so the extra fabric in that area is appreciated. Mine are a size x-small, and the only adjustment I needed was to take a wedge out of center-back to adjust for my shockingly flat butt. I used my 3-step zig-zag stitch to make the elastic casing and for the hems.

Can you see the scrunchies?

These make great day-to-day leggings but I'm thinking of making a pair in a thermal fabric for pajamas. I saw these adorable jammies at Target (foxes!) and I kinda want to blatantly copy them. My fleece pajama pants are warm and all, but they move around too much when I'm sleeping and drive me nuts.

Have you made leggings? Drafted your own? I've heard good things about the Espresso leggings from Cake, but I'm happy enough with this McCall's pattern.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

What I'm Reading: Perfect Fitting

Today we have a callback to an old favorite: The Complete Photo Guide to Real Fitting by Sarah Veblen. I previously reviewed the book here when I was working on Thurlow shorts. I'm rereading it now with a focus on coat/jacket fitting. Be sure to check out my previous review, this is a very popular book and I'm soaking up as much as I can in between holiday sewing. And yes...I'm still sewing, hey I have a week left!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tuesday Tips: Don't forget about steam!

This isn't so much a tip as it is me admitting a bad habit. I'm unnaturally paranoid about burning myself. You know about Ove Gloves? Yeah, those are for people like me (I have two). This fear carries over into sewing, and I don't keep water in my iron. I rarely steam anything and almost always use a dry iron. Shame on me!

Recently I decided it was time to get over myself. I haven't gone so far as to put water in my iron (I DO have a curious toddler to think about) but I am trying to get into the habit of using a wet press cloth. And wouldn't you know it, it works! For example, do you ever topstitch knits and pull your hair out over wavy puckering?

I've tried pressing these waves out with a dry iron and it usually doesn't work well. I tried it with a wet press cloth (WHOOSH steam!) and viola! No more waviness.

Need another example? Here's the same garment (a gift, so I can't show it off too much) at the hemline:

Whoa sorry about the color...

After pressing with a wet press cloth?

BOOM! Waves, be gone! Now tell me, is there anyone else out there that doesn't use steam? Any other unnatural fears of being burned? Spill!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Mend it Monday: Rowing Machine Straps

Well, I learned the limits of my sewing machine. That's useful information, right? And I managed to do it without breaking anything.

We have a rowing machine that my husband uses when he works out. I'm not sure where it originally came from, but I think everyone in my extended family has possessed this machine at one point. It might be older than I am. Anyway, there are two sets of straps where you set your feet, and the Velcro on these straps was looking pretty bad.

Luckily, the straps were attached via bolts and could be removed. I got out my trusty seam ripper and went to work.

I'll be honest, this was kind of gross. There was dust and dirt and rust and who knows what else. Let's just say I washed my hands the second I was done. The thread broke fairly easily so I could tell it was pretty old. 

I went to Jo-Ann's and found some by-the-yard heavy-duty Velcro. It was the exact width I needed. It actually has a sticky backing once you peel off the plastic. I stuck it on and then attempted to sew it to the straps.

I used a topstitching needle, heavy duty thread, and a long straight stitch. I think I sewed about 2/3 of one strap (there are four total) before my needle refused to go on. The machine jammed. I sewed for a while turning the wheel by hand, but I literally saw the needle bend right before my eyes.

My husband tried the straps anyway (since they were stuck on with the adhesive backing) but it didn't work out. My next step is to take these to an alterations shop to see if they have a heavy-duty machine they can use.

Have you ever tried sewing something that made your machine say "ahhhhh hellllll no!"?

Friday, December 13, 2013

Project Runway rehash!

Ugggggh I thought I had a good immune system until I had a kid. I understand that toddlers are germ magnets, but does AB really have to sneeze in my face and share my drinks? Let's just hope that illness is out of our house by Christmas. Better to get it over with now, I suppose!

Spoilers ahead...

Things I loved:

I'm always happy when there's a red carpet challenge. Aside from just loving pretty dresses, I think it's the most fair kind of challenge. If you can't design a dress for a runway then...well...what can you do? Also, that QVC lady was intense...okay...she was downright scary!

Tim Gunn's new show!!!! Can't wait.

Oooooo having a photographer in the workroom? That was pretty cool. Instant feedback!

Things I hated:

Wow Zanna was really mean. I've been disappointed with her "mentoring" this season. Seems like all she does is tell people they've made crap. Tim is great because he starts with the assumption that the garment is good any only needs editing. I think Zanna starts with the idea that the designs aren't that great and her very special opinion is what they need to be better.

Favorite garment(s):

You know it's a bad runway show when Elena's gown was one of my favorites.

Seth Aaron's was a bit too tortured but I liked his fabric.

Christopher's. Gorgeous. Very him and very pretty. Easily on a best-dressed list. I'm glad he knew the right moment to pull out his signature texture work.

Least favorite garment:

Viktor and Irina...oh my. Why so tight??

I'd have to put Korto's in the "bad" category just because of the fit. I know we saw a bra on her model but you wouldn't know it with how loose the top was.

Best line of the night:

"Of course, Irina shows no emotion so I have no idea how she's feeling." --Korto

"And the dress said 'oh, you wanna walk? I got ya. Now you can walk girl.'" --Korto

What was up with Irina blaming her model for the dress ripping? "She tore it..." NO, Irina, your dress ripped because it was crappy. It's not like your model had scissors in her pocket. And it had leather flowers on it? I admit I was surprised by her elimination but also very happy. She's the worst.

I had a feeling that Korto's might win simply because it was a loose maxi dress (as Viktor said). QVC wants to sell stuff and I know they can easily sell watered-down polyester chiffon (probably for $300). I've seen some beautiful chiffon dresses online from Anthropologie and they're always a zillion dollars for freaking polyester. Hooray for being able to sew!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

"know when to hold 'em...

...know when to fold 'em...know when to walk away..."

This is a post about walking away. Admitting defeat (perhaps only temporarily).

Last week I talked about my muslin for my husband's pea coat. I did make a second muslin (the second one goes a lot faster than the first!) in a smaller size. It fits a bit better, but there are some areas that either don't fit well, or fit as-designed and just aren't to my husband's liking.

When he raises his arms, there is bunching above the shoulder and pulling everywhere else. My husband sent me this link, and it pretty much nails the problem. Altering armholes isn't easy in a knit t-shirt. Altering armholes in a tailored coat? Very intimidating. There are SIX pattern pieces making up that area of the coat (2-piece sleeve, yoke, back, front, side panel). Ugh.

I did post muslin photos to Pattern Review and received this post in return, which helped explain what was happening. I also found an in-depth article on two-piece sleeves in an old issue of Threads (#167), and I likely will use that to make corrections.

But all of this takes time, patience, trial and error. Multiple fittings and measuring. Math. Meanwhile, it snowed 8 inches over the weekend and it's just plain cold outside.

I really, really, really wanted to make this coat for my husband, by Christmas. I've known him for almost eight years and he's never had a warm winter coat that fit. He's the one slogging back and forth to work, cleaning snow off our cars and shoveling the driveway.

As much as I wanted to be the one to solve this need for him, I knew I couldn't do it in an expeditious manner. There's a military surplus store in town, and with one quick trip there we found a Navy pea coat that fit him pretty darn well, considering. For under $100 it came home with us.

So I'm not making him a pea coat for Christmas. I'm not a master tailor (yet). Sewing has a way of keeping you humble. Did I learn a lot in two muslins and reading two books and studying patterns? Yep. And that's all I can do. "Just keep moving the dirt" as my husband would say. Will I set this pattern aside and work on it bit by bit? Yes. I'm not going to let it beat me. It might have won the battle, but I will win the war!

Now what to do with all these coat supplies? We'll see. Perhaps a looser-fitting Albion next month when Colette hosts the sew-along? Off to pin coats for inspiration...

Need to make a few last-minute gifts for little ones? Try the Alex & Anna Winter PJs pattern from Peek-a-Boo Pattern Shop. On sale today only for $4! I LOVE this pattern and have made it too many times to count (examples here and here). A very versatile pattern that can easily be adapted for play clothes, too.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

What I'm Reading: Tailoring

Last week I mentioned my frustration with finding a good book on coat-making, and I'm happy to report that I've found the answer!

I. Love. This. Book. I read a LOT of sewing books, and I didn't realize until now just how often the same information is presented over and over. Or maybe I'm just ready for a book that delves deeper into a specific topic. Either way, I read something new on every page of this book and it was so refreshing!

I can't find an author on the darn thing, but the title is Tailoring: The Classic Guide to Sewing the Perfect Jacket, copyright date 2011. No out-of-date eighties hair here. Just lots and lots of great information on tailoring a jacket/coat.

Even stuff I didn't know I needed to know! What I liked best about this book is that it presented three distinct ways of making a jacket: custom tailoring (by hand), machine tailoring (by machine, duh) and fusible tailoring (with fusible interfacings). It made a clear distinction between these three types, why you would use one over the other, and how to combine them properly.

I got my copy from the library, but it immediately went on my Amazon wish list. I think this book is the perfect companion to anyone working on a coat or suit jacket and it deserves some in-depth studying. If there is any drawback here, it's that there are only two pages on how to asses fit (something I'm having issues with in my muslins). I probably should have started with a book on fit, and moved on to one on construction, but c'est la vie!

And hey! This book just showed up on Sarai's list of her 50 favorite sewing books. Go figure!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Black Friday Haul

If I don't post tomorrow, it's because my husband read today's post and made an end of me. Just kidding! sorta...check the newspapers...

I did get some deals on Christmas presents for other people over Black Friday/Cyber Monday, but I'm not posting them here so as not to spoil the surprise! Did you buy fabric over Thanksgiving weekend? There were some good deals out there!

Oh Girl Charlee. Knits are such a weakness of mine and their sale was too good to resist. But that lovely print on the far left was $1.50/yard!! And I've had my eye on it for a long time. The pink knit on the far right is cotton ponte from Mood. I already had a yard of it but I needed a yard and a half for my particular project (it's a secret!) so I was happy to get more at 20% off.

Jo-Ann's had some pretty good deals as well, and an un-advertised one was 75% off remnants. Whoa. I overexposed this photo so you could see the color differences. The two on the left are linen blends and the one on the right is a stretch denim. Leggings for AB! The linen pieces are both 1 yard and ended up being about $1.25 each. I also picked up a bunch of interfacing at Jo-Ann's since it was 50% off plus a 25% off total purchase coupon. Plus buttons and thread were buy one get one free. Worth leaving the house at 7:30am with no coffee!

I normally churn out a lot of projects quickly, but my husband's winter coat has slowed down my pace. My two cubbies of un-cut knits are...what's the word...full? Stuffed? Refusing to hold any more? Yeah. Better get on that once this coat is done!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Giveaway Day with Sew Mama Sew!

***This giveaway is now closed. Congrats to the winner, Kat!

Have you heard about Giveaway Day? Hosted by Sew Mama Sew, Giveaway Day is actually a week-long link party for blogs to give away different items. There are two categories, "supplies" and "handmade items". It's a great way to win some cool stuff and find new blogs to enjoy!

Since I'm mired in the dregs of a winter coat muslin, I decided to give away supplies instead of something handmade.

I know, what an underwhelming photo! You're looking at 2 yards of white PUL. What is PUL? If you're not into cloth diapering, you probably have no idea. PUL is a laminated fabric which is waterproof and is used for diaper covers, snack baggies, diaper storage bags, all kinds of stuff!

I didn't make this, CottonBabies did, but it's made from PUL.

It's also terribly hard to photograph in an exciting way :)

I purchased this PUL at Jo-Ann's (Babyville brand) but have never gotten around to using it. I have more PUL and I'm sure I can bear to part with this piece. Want to win it?

Leave a comment below (make sure I have a way to email you if you win!!) and answer this question: If you had to give away some fabric from your stash, what would it be and why?

  • This giveaway is open worldwide
  • A winner will be chosen randomly using
  • Giveaway closes December 13th at 5pm PST and winner will be contacted by email
  • Fabric will ship by December 20th

Make sure to head over to Sew Mama Sew to see all the other giveaways!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Project Runway rehash

It's snoooooooooowing! Nothing better than sitting on my butt watching PR on my DVR and seeing snow fall outside. Well, it would have been better if we had been snowed in and my husband couldn't go to work, but he's all responsible and stuff.

Spoilers ahead...

Things I loved:

Viktor's apology to Christopher.

Seth Aaron's positive approach to disaster. He didn't mope about or cry (cough*Elena*cough) he just kept creating. Sometimes when things are going wrong, you keep going until you get all the bad stuff out.

Things I hated:

Sometimes Christopher has this whole helpless act that he does. "Whuuuuu Viktor is mad at me? How will I go on??" I like Christopher, but that part of his personality drives me a little bonkers.

Ugggggh Anthony Ryan. What. The. F.

Favorite garment(s):

I ADORED Korto's dress. If only it had two sleeves. Asymmetry like that sort of bothers me. No surprise that an actual housewife nailed a housewife challenge.

I don't know why Christopher had such trouble. I liked it. And his dress was one of the few short ones, which is way more appropriate for a dinner date. Seriously, the only floor-length dresses I own are bridesmaids' gowns.

Least favorite garment:

Irina's was just awful. Can you imagine how it looks while she's sitting? HOW did she win?

I'm with Isaac about Jeffrey. It didn't make me angry, just sad.

Best line of the night:

"I'm not just here to be rad, I'm here to win." --Seth Aaron

"Being in the bottom on All-Stars is still like being on the bottom of the top." --Jeffrey

I'll be honest, I was suuuuuuper nervous tonight. I love love love Seth Aaron. But halfway through elimination I realized we hadn't seen Seth Aaron crying on the runway yet (like in commercials), so I figured there was more to come from him. Thank goodness I was right. Phew! It was time for Jeffrey to go.

Is there snow where you are?

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Men's Pea Coat, part 1 (of 1,000)

In my sneak peek post on Monday, I showed this photo:

Could you tell that it's a men's pattern? It's Vogue 8940. Somehow I got it in my head that I should make my husband a coat for Christmas. I think it was the new Colette Albion that inspired me. I ordered that pattern right away, but by the time it got here my husband decided it wasn't quite his style. My mind was spinning with ways I could alter the Albion, and then I found this Vogue pattern and started jumping up and down (almost literally). Plus it was a few days before Vogues were going on sale at Jo-Ann's. Kismet!

We went to Target and tried on similar coats, and hubby decided he'd like the short version, View A. Except without that weird rectangle of topstitching on the front. Basically, View B but at the length of A. And without the pocket tabs. And maybe we'll change the shape of the collar/lapel.

I'm still waiting on the lining fabric (thanks for 20% off on Black Friday, Mood!) but I've slowly assembled all the other things I need. This week I finished my first muslin and we had a fitting. Next week...I'll be cutting and sewing a brand new muslin. Ugh.

My husband typically wears a size 46 jacket (his chest is 45 1/2"), so that's what I cut for the muslin. He's tall and broad, but his torso is pretty normal. Most RTW 46 jackets fit his chest, but are baggy in the torso and the sleeves are too short. I assumed the same thing would happen with my muslin...but you know what happens when you assume ;) The muslin was too big all over. I'm going to redo it in a straight 44 and go from there. Here are some photos, it was nighttime and I quickly snapped these for future reference:

So far, I'm very pleased with the drafting of this pattern. There were 2 reviews on PR and they were both favorable. I've made one other pea coat, but it was baby-sized and had way fewer pieces. The instructions for this pattern are really good (even though I've skipped around for muslin-ing), all the notches match up and Vogue managed to make it feel a bit intuitive. I'm anxious to get going with my fashion fabric, but for now I'm stuck tracing a size 44 for another muslin. We're about to have our first Snowmageddon here in the Midwest (every snow fall greater than 2 inches=end of the world), so here's hoping I get a lot of work done on it this weekend.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What I'm Reading: Modern Custom Tailoring

Now if there's a vibe emanating from the cover of this book, that vibe is NOT "modern".

I'm undertaking an intimidating project this month: a winter coat for my husband. I need all the help I can get, but when I searched the catalogue at my library for "tailoring" this is the only book they had that focused on menswear. The original copyright is from 1950, but this is supposedly an update from 1993. Uhhh...okay.

ANYWAY. The book covers the process for making a high-end custom men's suit (pants and jacket). Since I'm making a coat, it's not 100% applicable, but it's pretty darn close. One thing I realized while reading this book is that I am NOT prepared for all the hand-work that goes with fine tailoring. Hand-basting, pad-stitching, sew-in interfacing...these things are slightly clearer to me than they were, say, a year ago, but I still think they're a bit beyond my current skill set. Or at least beyond my budget!

What I really liked about this book is that there wasn't much fluff. There were a lot of lists of steps, which appealed to my "just tell me how!" side. At some point, I'd like to satisfy my "just tell me why!" side, but I'm not sure this is the book for that.

So help me out! Are there are good resources for coat making? Even if they're about womenswear? I have another book on reserve for me at the library, but I feel like coat-making must be a lost art.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Sewing Gift Guide

Months ago, I had this great idea to write a blog post about gifts to give a sewer. Then all the other blogs did their own versions...before Thanksgiving. So I said, "forget it! I'll just write a post about what I want for Christmas!" Like a 4 year old.

Okay okay okay. Go check out Tasia's super cool list here, or Sunni's revamped shop offerings here, or sewing gifts you can make from Sew Mama Sew, here. And then come back and read about the goodies I've been eyeing!

I have a problem with spending all my sewing money on fabric. Consequently, my written resources are limited to what I can get at the library, and what I can find at used book stores. Here are a few books I'm dying to have all brand-new with that "new book smell" still on them.

Angela Wolf's first book, How to Start a Home-Based Fashion Design Business, has been on my list for a while now. I may never start a fashion business, but I love Angela Wolf on It's Sew Easy and her Craftsy classes.

Patternmaking for Menswear is one of the few books aimed only at men's patterns. I'm really getting into menswear lately. Peter wrote a great review of this book and I'm very interested in it!

I don't like paying for indie patterns unless I'm familiar with the company and know for sure that it's worth it. That means there are quite a few out there that'd I'd like to try but haven't yet.

The Lola Tunic from Victory Patterns has been haunting my brain lately. I kind of hate sweaters, but I'm crazy about a comfy cozy sweatshirt!

I know this is crazy for someone who loves knits...but I don't have the Renfrew pattern from Sewaholic. For shame!

I'm trying to go on a fabric diet for a bit (at least knits...oh boy) but I wouldn't say no to a gift card! My favorites are Mood,, and Wawak.

I get by without a clapper, ham, and cutting mat, but it sure would be nice to have those things.

And remember, A Sewist's Notebook would also make a great gift ;) Today is the LAST day for FREE SHIPPING using code FREESHIP. And maybe there's a bit of a Cyber Monday hangover on the 10% off sale...And in case you were wondering, the last day to order for the holidays is FRIDAY December 6th. That's the end of this week. After that date you'll have to use a pricier shipping option for holiday delivery. Those rental cars full of UPS guys aren't going to drive themselves!

What are you gifting or wishing for this holiday season?

Monday, December 2, 2013

December sneak peek!

Here's a sneak peek of what's to come in the month of December!